Burdette, AR
Friday, February 21st, 2025
Sale Time 10:00 am
Click Here for Flyer
Auctioneer's Note: 

After many years farming, Tim Sullivan is retiring and has commissioned DeWitt Auction Co. to sell his equipment at Public Auction. This auction has very clean late model tractors, combines, headers, sprayers and planters.     



From Blytheville, Ark., go South on I-55 approx. 6 miles to Burdette Exit 57, then East on Hwy. 148 for 2 miles to sale site.

135 Plantation Drive
Burdette, AR 72321


1-JD 8R310, PS, FWA, RH reverser, 50” R1W duals, 1500 frt., 412 hrs., 2022 yr., SN 1RW8310DLNA 204332

1-JD 8R310, FWA, E23, RH reverser, 50” R1W duals, 1500 frt., 430 hrs,. 2022 yr., SN 1RW8310DKNB 206391

1-JD 8RT 310, IVT, RH reverser, 25” tracks, 2053 hrs., 2021 yr., SN 1RW8310DPMG925303

1-JD 780 combine, round bar, ext. wear, rough rice pkg., RWA, factory tracks, 1288e/967s hrs., 2021 yr., SN 1H0S780SCMT816893

1-JD RD35F draper 2021 yr., SN 1H0RD35FAM0815740

1-Hi Speed header trailer

1-JD R4023 sprayer, 90’ boom, hyd. tread adjust, 2020 yr., 1560 hrs., new boom, hood, SN 1N04023RLL0200122

1-JD 4630 tractor, cab

1-JD SG310 backhoe, cab, FWA 


1- JD 1725C Hi Speed planter, 12 r. 38”, centr. fill, pn.down force, 2024 yr., SN 1A01725HCPT805155

1-JD DR12T planter, 12 r. 38”, twin row, centr. fill, pn. down force, 2023 yr., SN 1DR12TV0800132

1-JD N542C drill, central fill, 7.5” & 15” spacing, 42’, 2022 yr., SN 1A8N542CJNF795343


1-Kelly 30’ Diamond Harrow, exc.

1-Roll-A-Cone 12 row 38” hipper

1-Orthman 12 row 38” bedder

1-Fair Oaks 40’ smooth roller

1-Fair Oaks 20’ stubble roller

2-JD 2210 32’ field cultiv.

1-Naamco 40’ blade, exc.

1-Reynolds 10 yd. dirt pan

1-Orthman 12 r. 38” bedder roller

1-Wilrich 1400 40’ p. type Do-All

2-JD 2620 30’ 8” flex gang disc

1-Landoll 12 row 38” cultivator

1-Orthman 12 row bar with row cleaners for irrigation middles

1-MacDon 35’ flex draper, 2024 yr., cut 300 acres

3-W&A levee plows, Good

1-Baker plow

1-Rhino 3 pt., blade, Good

1-KBH ST350 seed tender

1-Big Tex 16’ utility trailer

Approx. 19 JD power units

1-Shelbourne Reynolds stripper head

1-Forrest City 2 blade ditcher

1-PTO Ditcher

1-12 row 38” liquid fert. applicator

1-Brent 882 grain cart

1-Brent 572 grain cart, Rough

1-IHC 48U disk

2-Red Ball hooded sprayers

1-JD 16’ 1610 3 pt. chisel

1-JD 24’ p. type chisel plow

1-Allen gate setter

1-JD 1610 3 pt. chisel plow

1-JD 10’ 3 pt. chisel plow

1-Frontier 14’ 3 pt. cutter

1-Levee roller

1-New bale mower

1-JD 694 corn head

1-Stubble roller

2-Fertilizer applicators

2-Case 900 planters

1-Baker plow

1-JD 886 cultivator

1-Land plane

1-Brendt V1100 grain cart

1-Case RMX 370

1-Case 330 Turbo Till

1-Litter spreader

2-Field cultivators


1-Proctor roller

1-Bush Whacker

1-Landoll ripper

1-Flat bed trailer w/3 water tanks & Honda motor

1-Fair Oaks kilifer

1-1,000 gallon diesel trailer & pump

1-lot of 1,000 gallon diesel tanks

1-Hooded turn row boom

1-Service trailer w/Lincoln welder 

1-Set of like new side mount tractor tanks and rack

1-Lot of irrigation fittings, tires, shop equipment & misc.


3-2007 Freightliner day cabs

2-Wilson hopper bottoms, 1997, 1993 mdls.

1-Chamberlain hopper bottom, 1984 mdl.

1-1999 International fuel truck

4-JD power units, running

3-Diesel power units, for parts

1-Natural gas power unit

  More Information:  

 Tim Sullivan 870-838-6250 or Jack Holifield 870-926-4173

Jeff DeWitt Auction Company
220 DeWitt Drive • Sikeston, MO 63801
573-471-1060 • (fax) 573-471-1068 • info@dewittauction.com
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License Numbers
MO 14 & 85 • AR 390 & 404 • IL Firm 444000276 • MS Firm 410F • TN 4647 & TN Firm 2422
Brandon DeWitt AR 2535 • IL 441.002267 • MS 1471 • KY 4216 • TN 6941
Jack Holifield TN 6847 • AL 5350, LA 19365
Phil DeWitt MS 292
Alyssa Nicole VonderHaar
Missouri Real Estate Broker
Broker - Officer License #2010010870
Corporation License #2013017734
Arkansas Real Estate Broker License #PB00081311
Brandon DeWitt
Missouri Real Estate Salesperson License #2015019112
Arkansas Real Estate Salesperson License #SA00080457

Hours Of Operation
Monday - Friday
8am - 5pm
Weekend Before Monthly Sale
Saturday 8 am - 5pm
Sunday 1 pm - 5 pm